ALL OF US .. the 99%
April 30, 2020

PS. All of us means ALL OF US, the 99% of us to want to live in a more compassionate world.
On the left
On the right
Red pills, Blue pills, Purple pills
Never TRUMP-ers, only TRUMP-ers
Meditators, spiritual warriors, politicians
Q fans, TIs, benevolent “aliens”, star seeds, ET hybrids, SSP survivors, contactees
Humanitarians, healers, spiritual teachers
Allopathic and naturopathic physicians, Provax, antivax, vaccine safety advocates
Crypto enthusiasts, gold bugs, preppers, real estate tycoons
The censored, the censors, Whistleblowers, sheeple, normies, tinfoil hat wearers
Bankers, planners, loan sharks, CEOs, savers
Einstein, Eisenstein, Darwin, Tesla fans
Buddhists, Catholics, Protestants, Hutterites, Muslims, Atheists, Hindus, Rastafarians and any past or future religion I don’t know about