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In this blog, Karen E McKenna guides readers through society's biggest issues, from her unique perspective in Playa Zancudo, Costa Rica. Here in Zancudo we joke among ourselves (in Spanish and English) that we are at the end of the world here.

Are we birthing a new civilization?
January 9, 2021 It sure feels like that to me. One one side I see.a sudden fall into the throws of the globalist elites. Who want to...
Karen E McKenna
Jan 9, 2021

Después de COVID: jubileo moderno de la deuda o depresión global?
He llegado a mi límite. El COVID me ha vuelto loco. Hay mucha soluciones medicas para este problema. Las personas inteligentes están...
Karen McKenna, MBA
May 3, 2020

POST COVID: Debt Jubilee or Great Depression?
The current Economic model lacks ethics and has an army of highly paid bankers, academics and in some cases military armies defending it.
Karen McKenna, MBA
Apr 30, 2020

Gathering Courage to join the resistance
April 20, 2020 I write this as I am contemplating what to say in my second OpEd. To my surprise someone I had never met before found...
Karen McKenna, MBA
Apr 20, 2020

Sorry Naomi... This Changes Everything.
June 8, 2017 When I first picked up Naomi Klein's book "This Changes Everything", I was ecstatic! Finally a Canadian women talking...
Karen McKenna
Jun 8, 2017

Canadian Bank Reform
December 15, 2016 Why would a woman leave a comfortable corporate job, spend a year doing independent analysis and decide to to work on...
Karen E McKenna
Dec 15, 2016

How much is a Kevlar vest?
November 9, 2016 Have you seen that movie, "The Matrix"? You know those lines... "Will you take the red pill or the blue pill?" "You...
Karen E McKenna
Nov 9, 2016
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